15 Most Powerful DC Weapons RANKED

3. The Miracle Machine

Metron Mobius Chair DC Comics
DC Comics

Its appearances in the DC universe have been few and far between, but every hero and villain trembles in the presence of the alien supercomputer whose name is unpronounceable and is thus given the moniker "The Miracle Machine." Originally a gift for the Legion of Superheroes, the Miracle Machine was created by the hyper-advanced race called the Controllers in the early 1980s.

Based loosely on Green Lantern ring technology, the Miracle Machine is capable of turning raw thought into reality, essentially reshaping the universe on the whims of its user. It has been used to save the universe multiple times, but in the wrong hands it has also been used to threatened reality.

Its most notable uses were when Brainiac 5 trigger it to prevent an invasion of Earth, Time Trapper used it to completely rewrite the nature of time itself, and Superman used it to wipe Darkseid out of existence.

Though ludicrously powerful, even the most insane entities of DC lore know it is not a device that can be used casually. As its own creators pointed out, even the most focused of minds are vulnerable to distractions and a single stray thought during use of the Miracle Machine can have vast, far-reaching consequences.


A writer, blogger, comedian, and actor in New York City, Mason relishes any opportunity to discuss his favorite topics. He has many strong opinions on all facets of media and pop culture.