15 Most Powerful DC Weapons RANKED

2. The Mobius Chair

Metron Mobius Chair DC Comics
DC Comics

The key tool of the New God Metron, the Mobius Chair is actually the creation of the Anti-Monitor, who invented the mobile throne to search through time and space in his quest to acquire all knowledge. It was later passed on the Metron who continued the quest and used the Mobius technology as a basis for his Mother Boxes.

The throne can teleport its occupant through space, time, and dimensions, automatically stores any and all knowledge that its user knows, offers life support and total protection to anyone sitting in it, and can project force fields and tractor beams. It contains the vast library of knowledge of both the New Gods and the Anti-Monitor, which makes its user essentially omniscient.

The Mobius Chair has virtually no physical limitations and has even safely crossed the Source Wall at the end of the universe. Like the Mother Boxes, it is powered by Element X, which contains a portion of the Source's essence. However, Wally West discovered that, unlike the Mother Boxes, the power of the chair is the result of the Source's direct touch, meaning that the almighty creator of the DC universe constantly has one hand on the back of the throne to give it its mythical power.


A writer, blogger, comedian, and actor in New York City, Mason relishes any opportunity to discuss his favorite topics. He has many strong opinions on all facets of media and pop culture.