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1. The Anti-Life Equation

Metron Mobius Chair DC Comics
DC Comics

It is depression quantified. It is tyranny incarnate. It is the death of individuality.

The Anti-Life Equation is the theorized mathematical formula that undeniably proves that free will is a fallacy and that living beings only exist to serve Darkseid. The Lord of Apokolips has long sought the equation and it is the central cause of his long-standing crusade against Earth.

Based on the Martian philosophy of the "Life Equation," the Anti-Life Equation technically exists in the collective subconscious mind of humanity. Certain people, such as Empress, Sonny Sumo, and Pied Piper are aware of the Equation and even know a portion of it. Some New Gods, including Orion and Mister Miracle, know the Equation in its entirety but are strong enough not to use it.

By uttering the Equation, Darkseid can turn any sentient being who hears it into his mindless and loyal slave. It is impossible to break out of his control and only reality bending devices can interrupt the Equation's effects. The only other way to break Darkseid's control is to draw the New Genesis symbol for "freedom" on the faces of those enslaved. The existence of the Equation is also the source of the Anti-Matter universe, having created the Anti-Monitor.

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A writer, blogger, comedian, and actor in New York City, Mason relishes any opportunity to discuss his favorite topics. He has many strong opinions on all facets of media and pop culture.