15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

6. Squirrel Girl

A-Force Marvel She Hulk
Marvel Comics

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is actually really awesome when you give her a chance. How many other heroes do you know that can beat Thanos AND talk to squirrels?

Doreen Green’s genes were mutated when she was a child, the cause of which was never discovered. She wasn’t a mutant or an inhuman, yet she gained the ability to communicate with the small creatures and grew a long squirrel tail.

Excited by her abilities, she ambushes Iron Man when she was just fourteen, in hope he would take her on as a sidekick. The hero obviously turns her offer down, but years later she would become a Great Lakes Avenger.

Unfortunately, the GLA would be sued by the real Avengers and forced to change their name. Realising the entire team was made of mutants, they changed to the Great Lakes X-Men. While serving in the GLX, she would go on to defeat M.O.D.O.K, Terrax, and Thanos alongside her loyal sidekick, Tippy Toes.

The only real issue is, she looks pretty lame. Of course, there’s only so much you can do when working with a squirrel.Big teeth, check. Furry tail, check. Anything else? Nope.


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