15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

7. Screwball

A-Force Marvel She Hulk
Marvel Comics

Screwball is one of the most irritating characters since Damien Wayne. The not-so-super villain has been annoying Spider-Man for well over a decade now and sadly, she’s not going away any time soon.

The vlogger-turned-criminal made a name for herself committing crimes on camera, until she was interrupted by the web head after stealing ten million dollars from an investment firm. Once she saw the huge increase in viewers when Spidey was involved, she focussed her attention squarely on him.

Since then, she has teamed up with nearly every C-list villain you she could find, from Jester to Looter. Not only that, she managed to befriend equally the insane Deadpool and joined Deadpool Inc for a while.

Aside from her annoying personality, her costume is so damn lazy. You would think someone who has put this much effort into her social media presence would want to look good for the cameras. Instead, she just slips on a ski suit and that’s that. Though, in her credit, her secret identity is still a mystery.


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