15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

5. Poison Ivy (New 52)

A-Force Marvel She Hulk
DC Comics

They say don’t mess with the classics, yet when DC came out with The New 52 they were determined to pull away from anything that was remotely ‘classic’.

Multiple characters received drastic redesigns to try and fit with the times. Some, like Aquaman, Huntress and Wally West received some brilliant new costumes, but the majority of changes were pretty bad. Heading towards the top of the list is what they did to Poison Ivy.

She may not always be green skinned, but usually her design stays pretty consistent from era to era. So naturally, the artists threw everything out of the window apart from her trademark red hair when it came to the reboot.

The black leather outfit made no sense for a vegan, eco-terrorist to wear. The green leafy accents seem randomly placed and depending on the artist, sometimes weren’t even leaves. The pattern did change colour with the seasons though, so it wasn’t all bad. The worst part of her redesign though? The tribal tattoos.

Instead of the full green skin, they decided to give Pamela some green tribal tattoos, which is a bad look for pretty much anyone. These days, DC would rather you forget all about her New 52 look, which we can all go along with.


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