15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

2. Starfire

A-Force Marvel She Hulk
DC Comics

Before she came to Earth, Koriand'r was the princess of her home planet and was set to become its queen. However, her reign was taken away from her when her sister gave away valuable information about the planet’s defences. Komand'r then took over the planet and attempted to have Starfire executed.

When she escaped, she headed to the nearest habitable planet. It just so happened that it was Earth, where she made her new home. She befriended Dick Grayson and went on to form the Teen Titans, while also working as a model.

Teen Titans has become one of the most successful teams for DC, thanks to the animated shows. During the Cartoon Network sensation, ‘Teen Titans Go!’, Starfire became a firm favourite with viewers. However, despite her popularity with younger audiences, she hasn’t always been kid-friendly.

The character was always known for her revealing outfits, but The New 52 took things to the extreme. Alongside an embarrassing change in her personality, she was given what is essentially a belt and some shoulder pads. The New 52 was full of awful redesigns, but Starfire was by far the worst.


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