15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

1. Exterminatrix

A-Force Marvel She Hulk
Marvel Comics

Oubliette Midas isn’t the greatest character to start off with, as her superpower is extreme daddy issues.

Midas was raised by her father, Doctor Midas, in an environment that was perfectly tailored to promote brain growth. Even her mother was turned into a "chemical hot-house of information-rich toxins" to accelerate her growth in the womb. Once matured, she was taught to become a ruthless killing machine and claimed to have killed vampires, monsters and Greek gods.

Her sadistic father forced her to wear a mask, claiming that her face was horribly disfigured and no-one would want to look at her without it. She eventually found out this was all a lie and teamed up with Marvel Boy to seek revenge against her father before moving on to cosmic terrorism.

As with most victims of emotional trauma, she was unable to shake some of the deep-rooted habits. This included the fear of anyone seeing her face, so the oppressive mask stuck around and she started to embrace the look. The only issue is, it looks really bad.

Vibranium boots may be the coolest footwear in the game right now, but her overall outfit does nothing to help the stigma against comic book readers.

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