15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

13. Emma Frost

A-Force Marvel She Hulk
Marvel Comics

The White Queen has had quite a history with the X-Men. Since her introduction back in 1980, she has gone from living on the streets to sitting on the Quiet Council of Krakoa. The Omega-level mutant has worked hard to gain the power and influence she has achieved, but she wasn’t always on team X-Men.

During her early days, she worked closely with Magneto to try and establish dominance over Professor X and his team. However, things start going wrong for the White Queen has her business tanks and she is betrayed by her estranged sister Adrienne. She moves to Genosha to try and start a new life, until a sentinel attack wipes out most of the island. She then joins forces with the X-Men to fight for mutant kind.

Frost may have flip flopped from good to evil a few times, but there is one thing that has been consistent. Her wardrobe tends to be revealing but powerful, which is a strong reflection on her personality. However, it was a while before powerful meant more than just a cape.

Yet, right up until the Nineties, Frost’s costume was nothing more than underwear and a cape. That was literally it.


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