15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

12. Powergirl

A-Force Marvel She Hulk
DC Comics

Despite living on Prime Earth for a good while, Kal-El and Kara Zor-El clearly aren’t sharing their tailor’s information with poor Power Girl. Her costume has been the source of much discussion both on and off the page since her debut in 1976.

At the time of her creation, legendary writer Wally Wood was convinced that the editors at DC weren’t paying attention to anything he was doing. So, every week they would increase her breast size until someone upstairs noticed. It took around seven issues before asked what was going on.

There have been a number of explanations straight from Power Girl herself. When grilled by Crimson Fox in Justice League Europe, PG claps back with "this costume only shows what I am. Female. Healthy. If men want to degrade themselves by staring, that's their problem, I'm not going to apologize for it".

Another on-page explanation was recently confirmed by creator Gerry Conway. The true explanation is that Power Girl/Conway wanted to have a distinct logo but couldn’t find a design that looked good. Thinking a giant ‘P’ looked silly, Conway left the circle empty as a “nod to convention”.


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