15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

9. Hellcat

A-Force Marvel She Hulk
Marvel Comics

There are no shortage of cat-based heroes and villains, so to stand out from the crowd you need an interesting costume... or so you would think. Though, in Patsy Walker’s defence, she didn’t have much choice when it came time to pick a costume.

When Captain America, Iron Man and Patsy Walker stumble across The Cat’s old costume, Cap asks Walker to wear the suit and if she “can play cat”. He quickly backtracks, but Walker agrees and has been Hellcat ever since.

Somehow, throughout her near-forty-five-year run, Hellcat’s costume has remained largely unchanged. Occasionally, the leather turns from black to blue, but that’s about it.

Despite being the Cat’s original suit, the Hellcat version lost the chest logo and left it with no character whatsoever. It’s essentially the Cat Woman helmet and gloves, with a yellow one-piece. Yes, the yellow and her red hair are supposed to represent fire, but that’s the only though that went into the suit’s design.

However, there is one exemption. During Heroes Reborn, Franklin Richard’s version of Hellcat was drastically different from her real-world counterpart. Unfortunately, this creation was a cat/human hybrid, a bit like that terrifying Cats film. So, the less said about that, the better.


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