15 Worst Female Superhero Costumes

8. Tigra

A-Force Marvel She Hulk

While we’re on the subject of cat/human hybrids, let’s talk about Tigra.

When Greer Grant Nelson woke up after being blasted by a radioactive explosion, she was given an option by the Cat People to help her heal. The locals had a ritual involving science, magic and mental power to bestow the power of Tigra, the defender of Cat People.

She agreed to the ritual and the people held the ceremony, with Nelson emerging as a cat/human hybrid. Striped fur covered her entire body, her hands and feet were now tipped with sharp claws and her eyes changed to appear like a cat’s eye.

Tigra was later granted the power to switch between her hybrid and human forms at will. Yet all that power seems to be used for these days is the option for artists to draw her as a sexy cat, or a sexy human dressed as a cat.

As the previous owner of the original Cat suit, now worn by Patsy Walker, Nelson is no stranger to bad outfits, but even she has to see how bad her costume is.


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