20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Daredevil

6. Daredevil #47 Is Stan Lee's Favourite Comic Book

It took twenty issues for Daredevil to find a regular artist in the form of Gerry Conway, and his and Stan Lee''s run would last for thirty one issues. It wasn't exactly Lee's most memorable work in all honesty, but issue #47 is a stand out for both fans and the writer. In fact, he cites the tale as the story he is most proud of in his lengthy and varied career. The tale focused on Daredevil visiting troops in Vietnam where he met Willie Lincoln, a soldier blinded in the fighting. After learning that he was a New York cop discharged for being forced to accept a bribe, the Man Without Fear tells him to track down Matt Murdock, helping the veteran get his old job back by clearing his name back in the states.
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.