20 Worst Ever Comic Book Sidekicks

6. Wing (Crimson Avenger)

First Appearance: Detective Comics #20 (October 1938) Repeat after me DC comics: "Racial stereotyping is not funny." Try it again DC. "Racial stereotyping is not funny." Ok, now we've established that, it's time to look at one of the most offensive sidekicks on this list. Wing started out as a valet, but soon donned a costume and joined the golden-age hero Crimson Avenger in his fight against crime, while simultaneously acting out every Chinese stereotype imaginable. Good at martial arts? Check. Short stature. Check. Unable to say the letter 'r'. Check, check check! I know it was a different time but seriously? The writers didn't even attempt to tone it down, not one smidge. Oh and please don't even get me started on the costume. Luckily for DC's legal team, Wing has since joined his other racist kin in comic book limbo.

David is a primary school teacher who tries his best to turn every math lesson into a discussion on the latest Pixar film. Passions include superheroes, zombies and Studio Ghibli. In between going to the cinema, moving to South Korea and eating his body weight in KFC, David writes for a number of movie sites, http://becarefulyourhand.blogspot.co.uk/