25 Most Powerful Cosmic Entities In Marvel Comics

22. Numinus

Numinus was designed to look like Whoopi Goldberg. We could probably leave it there, because that's POWER in its most raw form! But we won't... Numinus is a cosmic entity who is the embodiment of "numinosity" (the characteristic projected by the human psyche on certain objects in their culture that have the ability to enhance survival on the earth). She is a guiding spirit who presides over the affairs of sentient beings throughout the universe and manipulates their activities in order to reawaken them, to whatever degree they may be made capable, to all the wonder in the universe. She possesses cosmic power beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. Able to tap into the vast energy of the universe for an incalculable number of effects, her most basic abilities include being able to erect an impenetrable energy field around herself or others, complete immortality, cosmic awareness, telepathic powers, the ability to traverse the universe, manipulate her size and manipulate matter and energy.

21. Eon

Eon is a cosmic being who has been around since the very dawn of the universe, having been born eight billion years ago. The offspring of Eternity and Infinity (we'll get to them later), Eon has a number of cosmic responsibilities that he must endeavour to carry out. He is charged with protecting the Celestial Axis (the very pattern of life energy threading through the universe) and time itself, while Eon's third responsibility is to nurture the evolution of all sentient life in the universe and to maintain conditions that are favourable to life and evolution in the universe. He possesses cosmic awareness that essentially amounts to omniscience - anything he wishes to know, he will know - and his intelligence is such that he can house as much information as he wants at any given time. Power wise, he possesses the ability to travel between dimensions, cosmic energy manipulation (including the ability to fire powerful energy blasts), basic flight capabilities, size manipulation, the ability to heal and reanimate the dead and what amounts to virtual omnipresence (he exists everywhere and across all of time).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.