25 Most Powerful Cosmic Entities In Marvel Comics

20. Tenebrous

Not long after the Big Bang occurred, the Proemial Gods arose from the very universe itself, collectively existing to maintain the cosmic consonance between order and chaos in the universe and to "prepare what exists for what is to come" - Tenebrous is one of those Gods. Individually, each Proemial God became a caretaker of a specific concept of the universe, with Tenebrous of the Darkness Between responsible for "the Black, the living matter that binds the universe and makes it whole." However, along with Aegis and several other members of the order, Tenebrous rebelled. They destroyed all of the Chaos Mites that were created by Diableri of Chaos and the fight eventually brought them in to contact with Galactus, who imprisoned them near the Crunch Cascade (the constantly expanding edge of the positive-matter universe). He possesses great dark cosmic power and has been known to manipulate energy on a vast scale. However, unlike most beings of this nature, Tenebrous actually prefers using hand-to-hand combat when facing foes of equal height and power - which he is very skilled at doing. He also possesses energy absorption abilities and can manipulate his own size.

19. Aegis

Aegis has the exact same origins as Tenebrous, whereby she is one of the Proemial Gods who had been around since the beginning of time. She rebelled against her duties and was imprisoned when her band of rebels were defeated by Galactus. With each of these gods being given responsibility over one universal concept, Aegis was known as "Aegis of All Sorrows" and was tasked with "culling the living universe of divergences and aberrations". Like Tenebrous, Aegis possesses great dark cosmic power and can manipulate energy on a massive scale. She also possesses energy absorption abilities, can manipulate her own size, can travel around hyperspace instantaneously, possesses cosmic awareness as is virtually omnipotent.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.