5 Actors You Didn't Know Voiced Marvel Characters

1. Bill Murray - Fantastic Four (1975)

Bill Murray Human Torch
Columbia Pictures

Do we really need to introduce this man? To quote Woody Harrelson in Zombieland, he’s “BILL FREAKIN’ MURRAY” - the legendary star of such cinematic masterpieces as Ghostbuster, Groundhog Day, Lost in Translation and of course the live action voice of Garfield.

Well before his career defining run on Saturday Night Live turned him into a household name, Murray worked in radio. He only worked on two shows, The National Lampoon Radio Hour with various future SNL legends, and more surprisingly, Marvel’s Fantastic Four. Who did Bill play you ask? Only the Human Torch himself, Johnny Storm!

Marvel’s first family only lasted 13 episodes on the radio and they were more or less a direct adaptation of many of the early Stan Lee, Jack Kirby books and is narrated by Lee himself. Unfortunately, it’s not the greatest but it’s definitely worth finding online just to hear the early days of Murray’s celebrated career.

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The Ultimate Fantastic Four Quiz

Fantastic Four Terry Dodson
Marvel Comics

1. Who Were The Co-Creators Of The Fantastic Four?


Patrick Watters hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.