5 Reasons Death Of Wolverine Is Just A Shameless Marketing Ploy

4. It€™s Just An X-Men: Days Of Future Past Tie-In

There have been several major hero death stories in Marvel comic books over the years, but the Wolverine storyline seems even more surprising for Marvel given that they€™re only just coming out of a €œdeath€ series of sorts €“ that of Peter Parker in the main universe. Naturally though his resurrection and the re-launch of the Amazing Spider-Man line has been timed to coincide with the release of the new Spider-Man film. Of course the actual Death of Wolverine mini-series won€™t be out in time for the upcoming X-Men film, but the Three Months To Live lead-in series will. Marvel must be hoping that casual fans jump on-board for that series wanting to catch up prior to the Death mini-series proper; although that€™ll cause a jump in sales in itself. Naturally we can expect to see a film based on the upcoming storyline in the future. A potential future in Old Man Logan has been previously considered as the subject of a film adaptation, but a full main storyline death would probably make future writers reconsider which version of the future Wolverine they€™ll pursue in the script for the third solo Wolverine movie.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.