5 Reasons Death Of Wolverine Is Just A Shameless Marketing Ploy

3. They're Trying To Recreate Origin

The death of Superman storyline set the bar for the killing off a superhero as a storyline. Unfortunately it also attributed to the comic book crash of the mid-1990s, causing such speculation amongst non-comic fans trying to purchase books in the hopes that they would drastically increase in value, that when they realised the mass-printed copies were never going to worth much more than the price on the front cover the bottom dropped out of the market. But Marvel aren€™t looking that far forward €“ they€™re simply trying to sell a lot of comic books without giving a great deal of consideration to who would buy them and what effect that would have. Certainly there is going to be an expectation that the first issue of the Death of Wolverine miniseries is going to be worth something, so expect a short initial print run. This will be deliberate as it€™ll result in two things €“ a) the initial print run will be actually increase in value, and b) the press will be able to print €œsold out€ stories regarding the series. The knock on effect of this will be that the effectively worthless second and subsequent editions (comparatively) will have massive print runs with the aim to sell those copies to witless members of the public trying to speculatively make some money on comics. That is exactly what happened with the first issue of Origin, and they€™re going to try it again... the thing is that it€™s probably going to work perfectly.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.