5 Reasons Death Of Wolverine Is Just A Shameless Marketing Ploy

2. But Will Wolverine Actually Die€

Everyone has presumed that the death of Wolverine will mean the actual physical death of the character who uses that title. But all you have to do is look at the limited series Old Man Logan to see Logan living some way into the future and referring to the €œdeath of Wolverine€ because he had retired from behind a hero after mistakenly killing his friends. Mind you, even during that series you could say that Wolverine was resurrected as Logan returned to his hero ways. Perhaps not actually killing Logan would be a greater surprise than a real death due to the massive likelihood of a fairly immediate resurrection. Logan has never been great at other identities (check out Patch sometime), but it has been an interesting move for other characters €“ after all, the Spider-Man stories where he pretended to be several other characters was an interesting one. Given that Marvel could have gone down the straight death route with Peter Parker recently but instead did something far more complicated, could this be more of the same? After all, if you stick €œDeath€ in the title then the first issue is going to sell well regardless of what happens in the fourth issue; so Marvel really could get away with it. Whatever happens, the Death of Wolverine miniseries is a declaration that Marvel is going to seriously shake up the character.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.