5 Things That Must Happen In Buffy Season 11 Comics

2. Reduce Xander's Role

buffy 11
Dark Horse

Xander was always the "everyman" character. He didn't have any special powers and was a loveable screw up. But after this many seasons of having him bumbling around, it's time to put him on the backburner.

He hasn't grown as a character, if anything he's just gotten worse. He's shown to be dealing with anger issues that teeter on the edge of him hitting his now ex girlfriend and he's constantly reminding everyone how he's useless. He's made multiple bad choices in the past few seasons that have nearly ended the world. Xander's no longer someone that supports the group, but is actively hazardous to keep around.

In Season 8, the character had shown growth. He had matured and was skillfully taking on responsibility. But that progress just kind of went away. At this point he just seems to be there because he has to be, which doesn't make for a great character. After being a burden for so long, he'd be better left in the background instead of impacting the arc of the season.


Comic book store owner, podcaster, and cheese enthusiast