50 Most Badass Women In Comics

25. Molly Hayes

Mystique xmen

A founding member of the Runaways, Molly Hayes was handed a bum deal early in life. Forced into a life on the road with her fellow super-powered orphans as the youngest member of their team, her already tough exterior wasn’t done many favours.

But her powers match that personality. Rather simply, Molly is super strong and incredibly difficult to take down, the only draw-back being that while first adapting to her powers, she needed a nap quickly after exerting herself, a weakness that has gradually subsided over the years.

Molly’s invulnerability was illustrated when she broke the Asgardian-enchanted shovel of the Wrecking Crew’s Excavator as it came into contact with her head. Bigger heroes than her have tried the same and failed.

Once named the fourth-toughest female in the Marvel Universe, the only way is up for this tween terror.

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