50 Most Badass Women In Comics

24. Lady Deathstrike

Mystique xmen

Now there’s a name you want to bring home to the parents!

If you think Wolverine had it bad with the whole Weapon X/Adamantium-bonded-to-your-skeleton thing bad, try being Lady Deathstrike. Her father, Lord Dark Wind, invented the Adamantium-bonding process, and even after killing him, she sought to continue his ideals by becoming a cyborg herself, using the near-unbreakable metal as the base.

On top of her already impressive martial arts training, this turned Yuriko Oyama into the Lady Deathstrike we know and fear today. An almost un-killable nemesis of Wolverine with 12-inch claws that weren’t intended to scratch backs.

She’s scary, but ask her to open a pack of crisps and that swiftly subsides.

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