50 Most Badass Women In Comics

3. Wonder Woman

Mystique xmen
DC Comics

Themyscira is the long-forgotten island home of the Amazons, the epitome of female badasses, and among those, Princess Diana reigns as—well, as princess.

What she lacks in wit Wonder Woman makes up for in strength, an unbreakable fortitude, and strength. Did we mention she’s strong?

But Diana is also willing to go places other heroes won’t go. She has killed in the past when no other options are available—ask Maxwell Lord—and regularly looking as though she’s more willing to step over that line in order to fight evil, often to the distaste of Superman and Batman.

Wonder Woman was already a keen warrior among her fellow Amazons before leaving Themyscira, granted special powers by the Greek gods, such as Demeter’s blessing of strength, which is said to make her the strongest female in the DC universe.

Far from the squeaky clean persona often exhibited among those cast from the more boring female superhero mould, Wonder Woman is arguably the most iconic figure for her gender and has become synonymous as a brand of empowerment among women.

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