50 Reasons Why Superman is The Greatest Superhero Ever

10. He Showed Youngsters How it's Done in Kingdom Come

When the new race of metahumans begin to wreak havoc on the world led by Magog and begin destroying the population in their pursuit to fight evil, Superman is forced back in to battle to rein them in and recruit former Justice Leaguers to help in his battle. This inevitably brings him in to the range of Lex Luthor's Mankind Liberation Front, but in the end after a battle with Captain Marvel, Superman saves the world and redefines heroism yet again.

9. Superman Doesn't Need a Sidekick

I mean sure there was Supergirl, and occasionally Jimmy Olsen, but Superman doesn't actually need a sidekick. He fights alongside people, and will aide them in battle if needed, but when it comes down to it, Superman doesn't need an acrobatic boy in colorful tights bouncing alongside him, nor does he require a protege.

8. His movie Re-defined Comic Book Movies

Thanks to the debut of "Superman: The Movie," movie studios around the world realized that comic books, once considered strictly a children's medium, were capable of entertaining general audiences while attracting big stars to rake in big dollars. "Superman: The Movie" drew in a pedigree of big stars like Marlon Brando, Mario Puzo, Richard Donner and Gene Hackman, and banked at the box-office. It's because of Superman movie studios are still willing to approach comic books from a stern position for all audiences to enjoy and savor.

7. He Is The Inspiration For The Legion of Superheroes

Superman is the primary deity for the Legion of Superheroes, a futuristic army of super powered teens who help restore order to the galaxy. Superman was their primary inspiration to maintain the laws and fight crime and he's also been the savior of their army many times as they've been forced to travel back in time and seek the help of young Kal-El and modern day Superman to help them in their battles. I wouldn't mind being a Legion member if one of the requirements for application was praising Superman.

6. He's Influenced The Hit Show "Seinfeld"

The star of the hit television show "Seinfeld," Jerry Seinfeld is a life long Superman fanatic. And because of his control over the series, Seinfeld was able to instill a lot of Superman qualities in to his series. In every episode you can see Superman in one form or another, there's an entire episode devoted to Seinfeld dating a woman named Lois who he talks to like Superman, and there's even a storyline devoted to a Bizarro Jerry Seinfeld who has a statue of Bizarro in his apartment as opposed to Jerry who owns a Superman statue. There are even many debates about Superman during the show in passing. That's only the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps my favorite Superman nugget is when George decries anyone with a cape untrustworthy to which Jerry replies, "You can't cast aspersions on someone just because they're wearin' a cape. .. Superman wore a cape.. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand here and let you say something bad about him."

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Felix Vasquez Jr. has written for over fifteen years, and is an author and movie critic who has written for various online outlets and can be seen on Rotten Tomatoes. He resides in New York, where he writes for his own online movie review website Cinema Crazed and works on his novels. He has a passion for classic rock, horror movies, and pop culture.