6 Comics You've Never Heard Of That Should Be Netflix Shows

3. Drug And Wires

Watson and Holmes
Cryo / Io Black

Grim-dark comedy shows like Happy are all the rage. The indy comic Drug and Wires, by Cryo and Io Black, is similarly dark in its humor.

Set in a dystopian sci-fi post-soviet eastern Europe, that is also the nineties. With glorious futuristic technology built around the actual technology of the time: like floppy disks and shitty CG graphics for your virtual reality.

Our hero, Dan, is a trying-to-recover drug addict who nearly died from a virus in his VR implant. Dan is just a regular guy, trying to get by, whose perpetual bad luck keeps dragging him into increasingly dangerous stuff.

The edgy comedy of Drug and Wires is right up Netflix's alley, and the nostalgic nineties imagery meshed with run-down future-tech would translate well to live-action.

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West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.