6 Ways Marvel Has Completely F**ked Up Comic Books For Everyone
3. They're Alienating Their Best Creators
While Marvel used to be the place everyone wanted to work, it's now become a stepping stone for writers and artists to embark on their own creator owned projects. Some of the company's most prolific talents haven't hesitated to walk out of the door in recent years, and names like Rick Remender, Jonathan Hickman, and Kelly Sue DeConnick all being absent from the "All-New, All Different" lineup stands as proof of that. With a shrinking talent pool, stale creative teams or writers penning multiple books has become a real issue for Marvel, and the quality of the monthly titles has significantly dropped as a result. While many of their departing talent point to needing a break, none of them seem to struggle working on comics at publishers like Dark Horse and Image, so it's become pretty obvious that Marvel are the real problem here. Money seems to be one of the biggest factors (I told you that they're cheapskates), but editorial issues are also common. Greg Rucka for example was writing perhaps the greatest Punisher run of all-time, but left the series when it became apparent that Marvel were making the moronic decision to put Frank Castle in the Thunderbolts. That series received middling reviews and was cancelled pretty quickly, so that says it all!