8 Best Times X-Men Joined The Avengers

1. Rogue

Uncanny Avengers Captain America Wolverine
Marvel Comics

While Havoc was busy playing the hero in the streets of New York in Uncanny Avengers #1, Rogue was busy punching Scarlet Witch in the face as hard as she could, before the two were eventually kidnapped.

Still harbouring a serious grudge against Wanda, after that whole House of M thing, the situation is complicated further when Red Skull, armed with his zany mind control powers, decides he wants to use the witch to help him purify the world.

But with much punching and kicking and draining of powers, he will beat a hasty retreat after being solely responsible for helping form the team that will oppose him - the Uncanny Avengers.

It's strange to think that someone with such a dark and checkered past as Anna Marie would ever be fighting side by side with Captain America and Thor but the fact that she does - and has done for years - is a testament to the character's staying power.

She's a cornerstone of the Avengers, proving that even those with seemingly no chance of redemption can find a way to save themselves, given enough time.

X-Men Quiz: How Well Do You Know Storm?

Storm Avengers
Marvel Comics

1. Which Phobia Does Storm Have?


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.