8 Comic Book Villains Humiliated By Wolverine

1. Venom - Venom Annual #1 (2018)

Wolverine Venom
Marvel Comics / Tigh Walker & Rachelle Rosenberg

Those who played 2005's criminally underrated Ultimate Spider-Man video game may recall how the first Venom mission involves a battle between the symbiote and Wolverine, which Venom wins.

The pair have fought sporadically in the comics both before and since the release of Treyarch's game, with either character emerging as victors depending on the story. Their fights are always brutal and close to call, though, only one has been able to lay claim to inflicting embarrassment over the other, with Wolverine giving Venom a savage dressing down in 2018's Venom Annual #1, from Jeff Loveless, Tigh Walker and Rachelle Rosenberg.

In a set-up not all that dissimilar to the one seen in the 2005 game, Venom bursts into a bar looking for Spider-Man, only to disturb Wolverine as he's trying to enjoy a drink. A fight breaks out, naturally, with Wolverine and Venom taking chunks out of the other, until eventually Logan decides enough is enough and proceeds to humiliate Brock in full view of the public.

Venom Annual Wolverine
Marvel Comics

After intentionally messing up his name (calling him "Ooze" and "Goo" just to aggravate him), Logan finally goes off on Venom by asking why he's so proud of beating up Spider-Man, pointing out how the wall-crawler is only young. Venom retorts by saying they made Spidey's life "agony", which allows Wolvie to move in for the killing blow, saying, "Wow, you made Spider-Man sad. Congratulations. I stabbed the Hulk last week."

Ultimately, the embarrassment proves too much for Venom to bear. Logan delivers some sagely wisdom to his opponent, sensing the same anger in Venom as he did in himself when he was younger, and walks away, leaving Brock and the Symbiote to stand there, visibly stunned by the verbal beatdown they'd just received.

Turns out the only thing sharper than Wolverine's claws is the character's razor sharp banter.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.