8 Comics Famous Comic Creators Don't Want You To Know About

1. The Walking Dead's Robert Kirkman (Battle Pope)

The Killing Joke
Image Comics

The Walking Dead is a dark, interesting, and altogether human take on what happens when the dead rises. Robert Kirkman co-created the series and it has since exploded into a world-wide phenomenon.

Then there's Battle Pope. This story is about a drinking, fornicating pope who spends his time during the Apocalypse boozing up and hooking up with sex workers. While attempting to save a woman from another hackneyed cliche, he dies and is taken to Heaven where God instructs him to - with extra powers and big guns (both arm ones and bullet ones) - go back to Earth to save two of his angels, who have been taken captive by the hordes of Satan.

Along for the ride is Jesus, who is - well - a wimp, cringing at everything, and wearing a Hawaiian shirt. The series gets weirder.

While Hickman might not blanche whenever he hears about this series, it's fair to say that alongside his other works - The Walking Dead, Outcast, and Invincible - that it's at least a little out of place.

What other comics do you think creators would want off their résume? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.