8 Completely Implausible Superhero Origin Stories

2. Daredevil

The Origin: A young Matt Murdoch is blinded by a radioactive substance, which falls from a passing truck and splashes into his eyes. He€™s supported by his father; a two-bit boxer who€™s murdered after refusing to throw a fight €“ there€™s your motivation right there. Despite being blind, Murdoch finds that his other senses have been heightened to near superhuman levels (presumably as a result of the exposure to radioactivity) and is even able to aurally perceive the world around him, by sensing vibration €“ a supernatural form of sonar. In Reality: Well, the good news is, Murdoch probably wouldn€™t have had to suffer through his father€™s death. The bad news is that blindness would have been the least of his issues €“ he€™d have been riddled with so much Leukaemia that he€™d have likely never got out of that hospital bed. Radioactivity doesn€™t interact with specific body parts; it doesn€™t morph whatever it touches into something bigger, stronger, better. That shit gets in your blood, messes with your very DNA and otherwise causes irreversible abnormalities and genetic mutations. And don€™t take €˜mutations€™ to mean €˜mutants€™ a€™la the X-Men €“ genetic mutation is generally just a softer way of saying cancer.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.