8 Reasons Why Marvel Really Is Better Than DC

2. The Consequences Of Superpowers

marvel dc
Marvel Comics

While this may appear like a petty thing to comment on in terms of differing traits between DC and Marvel, it actually has a much bigger impact on overarching storylines than might initially be thought.

While the best example of this is undeniably the Hulk, the mutants that make up the X-Men also serve as a particularly good example.

For the Hulk, this is perhaps the most apparent - as his immense physical strength is undermined by the fact that Banner must transform into his green counterpart to use it, with his alternate form being often resistant to Banner's ideas, and also profoundly unnerving to those around him.

Similarly, the X-Men's powers are played almost painfully realistic in that people are intensely cruel and discriminate against them, due to the same combination of fear and a lack of understanding that provokes people to hating marginalised groups in the real world.

While it's not an always a pleasant representation of the world, Marvel's choice of showing superpowers as something that generally come at a great cost serves to make their heroes seem all the braver for embracing them.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.