8 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The X-Men

8. Cyclops Is A Jerk

X-Men Cyclops Emma Frost
Marvel Comics

To the uninitiated, Scott Summers (aka Cyclops) probably sounds like a massive jerk. In the X-Men movies he does nothing except bark orders and act creepily possessive over Jean Grey, before getting killed off-screen in the miserly X-Men: The Last Stand. Other depictions haven't faired well either, relegating the character to a one-dimensional hero who can effectively be summarised as "teacher's pet."

The actual truth of the matter is a lot more complex, and one need only consult a few X-Men comics to understand that Summers is infinitely more compelling than his appearances in other media would suggest. He plays things by the book in a lot of cases, but he's also someone religiously devoted to the campaign for mutant rights. Said devotion has led him to split away from the main X-Men, fight with the Avengers, and even resulted in the death of Professor X.

Although the latter example is unlikely to convince the character's biggest detractors that he isn't a figure to be reviled, there's plenty more to Summers than his boy scout persona and his relationship with Jean Grey. There's genuine passion behind the character, and with those optic blasts able to do immense amounts of damage, he's not one to be taken lightly either.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.