8 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The X-Men

7. The Dark Phoenix Saga

Dark Phoenix Saga
Marvel Comics

The Dark Phoenix Saga is perhaps the most famous of all X-Men stories, and yet it's been disastrously misrepresented in other media - twice!

Okay, Dark Phoenix is yet to release, but still, most of the story's cosmic elements look as though they've been reduced to a short 10 minute introduction, and most of the film appears to be a retread of X-Men: The Last Stand, demonstrably the worst of all the old X-Men movies. Of course, anyone familiar with the actual Dark Phoenix story will tell you that its best elements were its cosmic ones, which took a back seat in 2006, and look to be taking the same place in the upcoming movie.

No doubt this has convinced many a fan that the Dark Phoenix Saga isn't half as epic as its name would suggest, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The actual story involves a group known as the Hellfire Club, the Shi'ar Empire, and takes place (mostly) beyond the stars.

Compare that to what was seen in X-Men: The Last Stand and the upcoming Dark Phoenix, and the difference is clear as day.

6. Wolverine HAS To Be Everywhere

Wolverine Avengers Thumbnail
Marvel Comics

Wolverine may not have joined the X-Men until the late 1970s, but today, having starred in multiple films, solo comics and animated series, it's pretty evident he's eclipsed the X-Men.

The character is so popular (not without good reason), but that hasn't always worked to the X-Men's benefit. There was a time when Marvel, not content with having Logan in every X-book, decided to make him an Avenger too. This was on top of a solo comic, starring roles in multiple X-Men series' and an animated show where he was given top billing - there just comes a point where you can have too much of a good thing.

The question of what to do with Wolverine has proven to be one of the X-Men's most frustrating elements as of late, with the character having passed away in 2014, only to be replaced by his time-displaced Old Man equivalent. Just a year later, the character was brought back in Marvel Legacy, stealing the spotlight away from other X-Men even as his daughter Laura had adopted his mantle, and was doing a fine job of it too.

Point being, Wolverine doesn't have to be everywhere. He works fine on the X-Men, individually, or even as a part of the Avengers, but not all at once.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.