9 Bizarre Superhero Origins You Won't Believe Exist

8. Kid Flash

She Hulk
DC Comics

Much like the majority of the Flash family, Wallace R. West's backstory is filled with the kind of delightful paradoxes that only DC's time-bending speedsters can create.

Wallace's initial gaining of powers involved being caught up in an explosion caused by a fight between the current timeline and future timeline Flash, killing Barry who, with his dying breaths, gave his nephew significant albeit uncontrollable Speed Force powers.

Seeing your uncle and longtime superhero/idol die is something of a life-changing event, and so it stands as no surprise that from that point onwards Wally committed to following in the family footsteps of becoming a hero. At least, it would appear that was his plan, as travelling back in time to prevent the already-travelling-back-in-time future Flash is one of the most confusing yet genius actions we have come to expect from the family of speedsters over the years - especially as it comes with a classic heroic sacrifice.

All in all, while Wally's origin antics aren't too strange for the Flash universe, any beginning involving time shenanigans is always going to be a little surreal.


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