9 Classic Marvel Characters The Punisher Has Killed

5. Nick Fury

Punisher Frank Castle Kills Marvel Universe
Marvel Comics

In the 1995 storyline Over The Edge, the villain Spook brainwashed Frank Castle and conditioned him to believe Nick Fury was responsible for the death of his family.

The Punisher hunted the Shield director down across numerous tie-in comics before shooting him in the back in an issue titled Double Edge Omega. Mid-90s Fury was no Samuel L Jackson, but he was tough, having taken the Infinity Formula to expand his lifespan by decades. It didn't, however, make him impervious to bullets and the one Punisher lodged into him turned out to be fatal.

In the late '90s, Marvel had a minor obsession with retconning, and Fury's demise at the hands of Castle was one event it erased, having Sharon Carter discover the version of her boss that was killed was actually a robotic Life Model Decoy.

Even so, the faux Nick Fury remains one of Punisher's most high-profile kills to date.

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The Punisher
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