9 Classic Marvel Characters The Punisher Has Killed

3. Stilt-Man

Punisher Frank Castle Kills Marvel Universe
Marvel Comics

Stilt-Man isn't exactly what you'd call an A-list villain in the world of Marvel Comics, though he's been around for a good while, first appearing in Daredevil #8 back in 1964. He's been a recurrent, if novelty, foe for the Man Without Fear ever since, and also caused the likes of Iron Man and Thor a few problems over the years.

Defeating Wilbur Day wasn't exactly a tall order for Punisher during the Civil War arc. Day used the Superhero Registration Act as an excuse to turn over a new leaf and earn a steady paycheck as a government-approved crimefighter.

When he and Castle were sent after the same target, Stilt-Man was thrilled about the prospect of teaming up with the vigilante, but Punisher, who sees the world in black and white, was unable to overlook his past crimes.

Castle neutralised the reformed villain's stilts with a blast from a rocket launcher, before delivering the coup de grace in the form of a headshot at close quarters.

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The Punisher
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