9 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Gwen Stacy

7. Gwen's Death

Gwen Stacy Sad
Marvel Comics

It's clearly impossible to do an article dedicated to the most traumatic things to happen to Gwen Stacy and not make mention of her shocking death in The Amazing Spider-Man #121.

Gwen's death was a line in the sand for comic books, period - with many viewing her death as the moment that the Silver Age of Comics officially became the Bronze Age.

When Marvel Comics went with The Death of Gwen Stacy arc, that was the first time in comic book history where a character of such prominence was killed off. It was monumental stuff, and to this day it remains one of the most memorable stories in Marvel's history.

Of course, Gwen's demise came after the Green Goblin launched her from the top of the George Washington Bridge.

Spider-Man would fire his webbing towards Gwen in order to catch her, yet all Spidey caught was a dead Gwen Stacy. At that point in time, it was left ambiguous was to who exactly was responsible for Gwen's death: did she die from the fall, or did the whiplash caused by Spider-Man's webbing break Gwen's neck?

For the record, Marvel Comics editor Roy Thomas confirmed in a later issue that it was indeed the whiplash caused by Spider-Man's webbing that was responsible for killing Gwen.

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Senior Writer

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