Batman: 10 Awful Villains The Dark Knight Should Be Ashamed Of

2. Humpty-Dumpty


Ah yes, another fairly large human being makes our list of worst Batman villains. It seems the more portly villains (aside from The Penguin) have ironically made little to no impact in Batman€™s world. Humphrey Dumpler (permission to roll your eyes) is a well mannered obese man obsessed with putting things back together. Funny how he was named Humpty Dumpty isn€™t it?

Granted, it€™s a difficult exercise to create a new, rounded (pun intended) character, but what isn€™t difficult is deciphering which ones to green light. Humpty Dumpty may have sounded intriguing at the time, but with so many superior villains to choose from, maybe it would have been better to concentrate on their stories instead.

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As a pretty nerdy guy, I've loved film and television since I was a wee lad. Growing up in Ireland, The Den was the show to watch with it playing Batman The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation and everything in between. I have an MA in Radio and Television Production and have written for various sites, hope you enjoy my articles/lists for What Culture!