Batman: 10 Most Iconic Locations in the History of the Dark Knight

9. The Court of Owls Labyrinth

I guess you could technically call this cheating. The Court of Owl€™s Labyrinth is a brand new creation, devised by Scott Snyder during his recent run with the main canon Batman line for the New 52. So maybe you can€™t call it iconic just yet; after all, we€™ve only really visited it once. However, with that said, I€™m of the belief that, looking back in a few years, this terrifying labyrinth will stand out as one of the great modern Batman locations. Swathed in darkness beneath the foundations of Gotham City itself, this Labyrinth very nearly gets the batter of Bats; completely lost, afraid (if you can believe that) and haunted by visions, Bats just cannot seem to find his way to the exit and almost succumbs to dehydration and madness. Thankfully, it€™s Batman we€™re talking about here, who€™s mantra is €œthere€™s always a way out€. And there was. Who€™d have thought it€™d have been blowing a hole in the floor?
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.