Batman: 10 Most Iconic Locations in the History of the Dark Knight

8. Ace Chemicals

Iconic thanks in part to Tim Burton€™s original Batman movie but perhaps in larger part to Alan Moore€™s now legendary Batman: The Killing Joke, Ace Chemicals is a location that has intrinsic connections to the origin of The Joker. And who€™s a more iconic Batman villain than him? In the Killing Joke, Moore poses that the future Joker worked at Ace Chemicals but quit to pursue a career in stand-up comedy (can irony get any sweeter?) Later, thanks to his knowledge of the plant€™s layout, he€™s drafted by thugs into a planned heist, which he agrees to take part in simply to make money in support of his wife and unborn child. Of course it all goes horribly wrong; future Joker takes a spill in a vat of chemicals and is ultimately reborn as the Clown Prince of Crime. Over the years, Ace Chemicals has featured repeatedly in countless comics, movies (as I mentioned, Burton basically assimilated Joker€™s 'Killing Joke' origin into his first Batman outing) and in the various Batman cartoons available out there for consumption. Standing stalwart against Gotham€™s muddy skyline, we€™ll forever remember it as the birthplace of the Dark Knight€™s greatest ever foe.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.