Batman: 10 Most Iconic Locations in the History of the Dark Knight

7. Wayne Enterprises

Wayne Enterprises is a fairly huge beast. When discussing it as a €˜location€™, we€™re not just talking about a room in a building, or even an entire building itself. Wayne Enterprises is a holding company, an umbrella under which many divisions operate; shipping, entertainment, medical, electronics, research and development. You name it, Wayne Enterprises does it, including owning the Daily Planet, the very publication Clark Kent is employed with. So there are many individual aspects of this particular location that you could call iconic. The forgotten RnD lab, for example, through which Batman supplies himself with some of his more technical gadgetry; the Boardroom, in which Wayne makes decisions that shape the face of Gotham; or even simply the stock €˜function room€™ in which Wayne holds his many, many fundraisers; the list goes on. All of which, technically are a part of one great all-encompassing location: Wayne Enterprises. Wayne Enterprises features heavily throughout Batman lore, on whichever platform you might be consuming it €“ comics, TV, film or even video game. Bruce Wayne doesn€™t just fight injustice by donning the cape and cowl and taking back the streets one lowlife at a time (although he does that plenty) he also fights it by using his company€™s considerable resources to aid the betterment of Gotham City, hell, the betterment of mankind. What a guy!
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.