Batman: 10 Most Iconic Locations in the History of the Dark Knight

5. Batmobile Cockpit

Have all of us not, at some point in our lives, wished beyond wishing that we could someday, somehow, own a Batmobile? It€™s probably one of the most iconic recurring images throughout the entire history of Batman lore. And believe me, Bats spends an awful lot of time in it, considerably more even than the other vehicles he has in his Bat-garage. Of course, he€™ll often use the Batwing or the Batbike instead, but more often than not it's "to the Batmobile!" We€™ve seen the inside of this iconic vehicle more times that I can feasibly remember. Inside the Batmobile is where Bats is arguably at his most focused; he€™s generally en route to biff, bang and wallop some big bad or other. As a result, when he€™s in that cockpit, you€™ll generally see Bats as cold, as determined and as stylishly p***ed off as he gets. If you€™re looking for an iconic location, look no further than the interior of the Batmobile; it features in almost every story you might encounter. Chances are you can picture it from memory even now.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.