Batman: 10 Most Iconic Locations in the History of the Dark Knight

4. Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane

Ah, Arkham Asylum. A serious house on serious Earth. Gotham€™s resident nut-house has featured heavily throughout Batman lore since the late seventies. Originally it was featured as €˜Arkham Hospital€™. It was only later that it was fully established as a Sanitarium and only throughout the eighties that it was properly established as the place for around 70% of Batman€™s detainees. Since then, Arkham Asylum has become perhaps one of the most iconic locations in the entire Batman canon and has been featured heavily across every media platform the Dark Knight has enjoyed a presence on over the years, including in Nolan€™s own trilogy. If you don€™t know Arkham Asylum, you clearly don€™t know your Batman lore, it€™s as simple as. But since it€™s now even famous in the mainstream (you can thank the awesome Rocksteady Arkham games for that), chances are that even if you€™ve never picked up a comic book in your life you€™ll still have a fair amount of knowledge on the place.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.