Batman: 10 Most Iconic Locations in the History of the Dark Knight

3. Crime Alley

Can you get much more iconic? After all, Crime Alley was where it all began. Where the Batman was borne from of the wreckage of a poor, helpless young boy€™s shattered psyche. Bruce Wayne visits this location over and over again in his head; reliving his trauma; blaming himself for what happened to his parents; imagining what he could have done, what he should have done to save them. You can€™t really touch upon a Batman story without it coming back, at some point, to the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne in Crime Alley; sure stories will come and go without visiting the location itself, but it€™s never far from mind. After all, without that fateful night, without that fearful location, the Batman would not exist. It€™s really that simple.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.