Batman: 8 Incredibly Dark Joker Moments We'll Never See On Screen

2. Assault On The Black Hand

Grant Morrison is not what he used to be: his run on Batman started off decent with €œBatman And Son€ before descending into the absurdity that was Batman: R.I.P. The narrative centers on the efforts of a group known as the Black Hand, led by the mysterious Dr. Hurt, to drive Batman insane. Before this crazy story took place, Hurt had hired three assassins to immerse themselves into Batman€™s world in order to stand a better chance at killing him. One of them took the opportunity to try and kill the Joker with a shot to the head (though the constraints of comic book deaths prevented the would-be lethal shot from being true to reality). Thinking Batman has tried to kill him, the Joker takes up Hurt€™s offer to join the Black Hand, but soon turns the tables on them when he begins gruesomely killing several of the members. When Batman arrives, the Joker tells him that he can never be crueler than himself before proceeding to cut his tongue nearly in half. Why It Won't Be Done... I hate to reuse arguments, but this again speaks to some of the more bizarre aspects that writers have introduced into Batman lore over the course of the character€™s history. Yes, we€™ve had movies where grotesque murders are done by crazy killers (Se7en, Zodiac), but there are just some things that lie just beyond the boundaries any superhero film is willing to do. With a quick round of stabbing and self-mutilation, the Joker enters that area of psychological darkness I doubt even Christopher Nolan would€™ve dared venture into.

Red Stewart is big fan of the entertainment industry, with insights into film, television, and video games for starters. Despite growing up in the 21st century's era of modernization, he prefers many retro era ideas over the current trends found in many of today's media. Personally he's an introvert who loves reading as much as gaming.