Batman: The Adventures Continue - Everything We Know About BTAS' Return

8. Jason Todd Will Make His DCAU Debut

Batman The Animated Series Comic
Warner Bros.

Whether it's down to his badassery as the Red Hood in the comics or Curran Walters' exceptional live-action turn in Titans, it's hard to deny that people love the edgy Jason Todd. But it wasn't always that way.

Yeah, yeah, by now you probably already know how DC killed the character off back in '80s because fans weren't loving his reckless behavior, but we're not talking about that per se. We're talking about how he was the only Robin (of the most famous three at the time) not to feature in Batman: The Animated Series.

Well, the good news is that, after all this time, we're finally going to get to see what the DCAU's Jason Todd will look like, as Batman: The Adventures Continue is set to introduce the character. Dini revealed to EW:

"We’d gone from Dick Grayson to Tim Drake, and we had left out Jason. What we’re doing with this is looking at this as a chance to go back and actually acknowledge that was a part of the animated Batman’s history... For the first time, you’re going to see that story and you’re going to see what happened in that relationship. So, it’s our chance to not only to do Jason Todd but also the Red Hood."

Given that The New Batman Adventures series introduced a version of Tim Drake with a backstory conspicuously like Jason's, it's going to be real interesting to see how they bring the future Red Hood into the fold.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.