Complete Guide To Every X-Men Character Who Returned After Death

9. Rachel Grey

How Did She Die?

This one's a little confusing, but essentially Rachel - Cyclops and Jean Grey's daughter from the Days of Future Past timeline - ended up flung into the far future, where she founded Clan Askani, a group tasked with stopping Apocalypse and protecting the man destined to destroy him - Cable (who just so happens to technically be her brother, but from the 616 timeline).

Rachel ended up growing into old age in the future, where she ultimately passed away in a coma after an assault on Askani HQ by Apocalypse's minions.

How Did She Come Back?

Whilst Rachel was lost in the time stream, before ending up in the future, she was still vulnerable as the timestream actually exists outside of time. So, when some future enemies of Mother Askani decided to end the threat of her once and for all, they decided to attack the young Rachel Grey in the timestream, as she was considered more vulnerable.

They simultaneously wanted to lure Cable into a trap, and succeeded - although it backfired when Rachel and Cable teamed-up to escape together (obviously). This brought Rachel back into the present of the 616, never to grow into the old Mother Askani.


Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.