Darth Vader's 10 Most Impressive Kills In Marvel Comics

7. Darth Vader's Duel With Morit Astarte

Darth Vader Best Kills
Marvel Comics

Darth Vader swatted aside many a force user in his 20-plus year stint as Palpatine's enforcer, but few were swatted quite as spectacularly as Morit Astarte.

Morit was hell-bent on replacing Vader as the top dog in the galactic food chain, and murdered everyone in his path - including his twin sister - to fulfil his obsession. Unfortunately, when it came time to face the ultimate test - a one-on-one duel against Vader himself - Morit proved to be about about as effective as a bag of kittens against a Xenomorph. (Different franchise, we know, but don't pretend you wouldn't be interested in a Vader vs. Aliens crossover).

Morit really only had himself to blame for his downfall. Choosing to face off against Vader on the hull of a capital ship in the cold vacuum of space may have provided their fight with an epic backdrop, but it was a terrible tactical decision. After all, Vader had spent 20 years fighting in his space-worthy suit of armour - far longer than the youthful Morit had spent in his newly-developed spacesuit. As such, it came as no surprise when Vader easily outmaneuvered the young pretender, pushing him over the edge of the ship...

...and into the atmosphere of the planet below.

R.I.P. Morit. At least your burning corpse gave Vader - and us - a hell of a view on your way out.


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