Darth Vader's 10 Most Impressive Kills In Marvel Comics

6. Darth Vader's Best Marvel Kills - Summa-verminoth

Darth Vader Best Kills
Marvel Comics

Greg Pak's current run on Darth Vader may not have hit the heights of Kieron Gillen's and Charles Soule's work on the character (to be fair, those two set a high bar to reach), but it's had its moments. Case in point: that time Darth Vader killed Cthulu.

It's hard not to think of Lovecraft's most famous creation when looking at the Summa-verminoth - a towering mass of tentacles that can drive people mad just by being near it. (The difference being that the Summa-verminoth warps its victims' minds by showing them how they'll die).

So, how does Vader defeat this Lovecraftian behemoth? The same way he solves most of his problems - judicious application of the force to his target's trachea. Unfortunately for the Summa-verminoth, it didn't have Governor Tarkin around to order Vader to release his grip on its throat, resulting in the creature's painful, drawn-out demise.

Watching Vader bring something so gargantuan to its knees/tentacles with nothing more than a gesture is one of the most potent reminders we've ever seen of the power of the Force, and Vader's power in particular. No wonder he got so irked when people dismissed his "sorceror's ways"...


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.